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Honoring a Loved One

“In Memory of” Gifts

You can remember a loved one or a friend through a gift to NNPDF. We will send a memorial card in your name, to the family of a deceased friend or loved one when a donation is made in their memory.

When making a memorial gift, please provide:

  • Your name and address
  • Name and address of the family to whom the card should be sent
  • Name of the individual you wish to memorialize

“In Honor of” Gifts

Anniversaries, birthdays, and wedding celebrations are wonderful ways to honor your friends and family while making a gift to support the work of the NNPDF. We will send an “in your honor” card, in your name, to the person whom you wish to honor with a tax deductible contribution to NNPDF. The amount of the gift is confidential unless you specify otherwise.

When making an “in your honor” gift, please provide:

  • Your name and address
  • Name and address of the recipient(s) to whom the card should be sent
  • Name of the individual you wish to honor
  • Event or celebration in which you are making the donation for

Contact the NNPDF office for more information.

Supporting one another. Supporting our community.