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Scientific Advisory Board

As a national membership organization governed by parents and professionals, NNPDF fosters awareness, education, advocacy and research, supporting families and patients affected by Niemann-Pick disease. NNPDF’s unique position in the community is to remain unbiased in its education, advocacy, and research efforts so that it serves the varying perspectives and needs of families and patients. Because of this mandate, NNPDF plays a critical role during the engagement of industry in clinical trials and throughout the federal regulatory process.

Industry and the FDA depend upon national advocacy organizations that are governed to serve a wide range of patient and family needs. NNPDF is also the go to organization to augment scientific and clinical research, and to encourage professionals into the field. In order to properly support NNPDF’s mission in these areas, the Board has determined that the Scientific Advisory Board will focus on advising NNPDF leadership with the research, clinical, and regulatory leadership necessary to fulfill its role in the community.

The areas of responsibility for the Scientific Advisory Board include providing expert advice and recommendations on:

  1. FDA regulatory issues
  2. Clinical issues
  3. Industry requests
  4. Annual conference topics and speakers related to research, clinical and regulatory
  5. Scientific and clinical materials that are utilized for public information for education
  6. NNPDF Board for future grant making fellowship program to promote clinical and research professionals to enter the field

Thank you to all of the members of our Scientific Advisory Board who so generously offer their time and expertise to the NNPDF on a volunteer basis, without remuneration.


FRONT ROW: Sherman Garver, Walla Al-Hertani, Caroline Hastings, Justin Hopkin
BACK ROW: Melissa Wasserstein, Marc Patterson, Joshua Baker, Steve Sturley, Andy Lieberman, Denny Porter, Ed Schuchman
Lieberman 600
Andrew Lieberman, MD, PhD

NNPDF Scientific Advisory Board Chair
Professor, University of Michigan Medical School

Walla Al-Hertani
Walla Al-Heriani, MD, MS

Division Chief, Metabolic Disorders Division
Children’s Hospital of Orange County

Joshua Baker
Joshua Baker, DO

Attending Physician, Director of Inborn Error of Metabolism Program
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Sherman William Garver
William “Sherman” Garver, PhD

Research Professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
The University of New Mexico

Hastings Caroline
Caroline Hastings, MD

Director, Pediatric Hematology Oncology Fellowship Program
NeuroOncology Program
Pediatric Hematology Oncology Department Chair, GME Committee
Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland

Justin Hopkin
Justin Hopkin, MD

Professor of Clinical Medicine
Chief, Division of Hospital Medicine
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

Marc Patterson, MD

Professor of Neurology, Pediatrics & Medical Genetics
Chair, Division of Child and Adolescent Neurology
Mayo Clinic

Porter Denny
Forbes “Denny” Porter, MD, PhD

Senior Investigator and Associate Scientific Director for Translational Research
National Institutes of Health

Schuchman Ed
Edward Schuchman, PhD

Genetic Disease Foundation – Francis Crick Professor of Genetics & Genomic Sciences
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Sturley Steve
Stephen Sturley, PhD

Department of Biology
Barnard College, Columbia University

Wasserstein Melissa
Melissa Wasserstein, MD

Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Professor, Department of Genetics
Chief, Division of Pediatric Genetic Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Montefiore Medical Center

Supporting one another. Supporting our community.